About Cumberland12 Cinemas
Cumberland12 opened in 2008 and has 12 screens of stadium seating theaters, all with digital projection. From 250 seats to 70 seats their theaters have luxurious, high back rocker loveseats. They continue to be on the forefront of cinema, bringing REALD Digital 3D to the area. RealD 3D is unlike anything you’ve seen or heard before!
About Cumberland12 CinemasAbout Cumberland12 Cinemas Discounts
PEF members and retirees receive special discounts upon showing a PEF ID card.
- $7.75 movie tickets
Additional Ticket Details & Disclaimers
PEF members and retirees must show their PEF ID card in order to receive the discount. The discount applies to all tickets the PEF member or retiree purchases.Ticket supplies are limited, and availability cannot be guaranteed. All sales are final. The PEF Membership Benefits Program cannot be responsible for lost, stolen, damaged, expired, or used without permission tickets. No refunds or exchanges, which includes unused tickets or e-tickets.
PLEASE NOTE: Visit the Cumberland12 Cinemas website prior to your movie for updated information that may impact your experience. Information is subject to change at any time.