2023 Modified Open Enrollment Closed

The Modified Open Enrollment Campaign concluded at midnight, October 31, 2023.

If you attempted to submit your application prior to midnight, October 31, and you did not receive a confirmation following your submission, it is likely your application was not processed. Please call the PEF MBP insurance department at (800) 767-1840 or (518) 342-4306, ext. 243, opt. 2 to verify the status of your application.

Still interested in enrolling?

If you are a new PS&T unit hire, and you are still within 240 days of your hire date, you may enroll with no medical questions asked.

If you are a PEF member who is past 240 days of your hire date, you may still enroll or increase coverage of an existing insurance, however, you will need to complete an Evidence of Insurability Form (EOI), which is a medical questionnaire, along with your insurance application.

Learn more about our insurances and enroll using the appropriate insurance form.