PEF MBP Meeting & Presentation Support

Request the Presence of a PEF MBP Representative at Your Next Meeting or Special Event

Scheduling a PEF Membership Benefits Program (PEF MBP) representative to be present at your next event to conduct a formal presentation, staff a table, or both, is very easy! Simply use the appropriate button below to access the online event request form to request a representative to support your needs.

Important points to keep in mind before you schedule:

  • We cannot guarantee our presence at a meeting, fair, etc., if we receive the form request with less than 30 days advance notice.
  • Not all events are conducive to a presentation. Presentations are not available for fairs, picnics, outings, or any other event where members are not sitting as a captive audience.
  • Invite a PEF MBP representative to your meeting to conduct a presentation to your members for no less than 20–30 minutes, and PEF MBP will reimburse your division $2.00 per attendee to help cover the cost of food served.
  • If the PEF MBP representative does not have the opportunity to present for 20–30 minutes, the $2.00 per person reimbursement will not be provided. Should another entity be providing the lunch, there will be no reimbursement.

Use the button below to request.

Once your request is received, it will be reviewed and you will be notified as to whether or not a PEF MBP representative will be able to attend your event.

For more information on New Member Orientations, Membership Meetings, or the staffing of a PEF MBP table at your upcoming event, please contact PEF MBP.

Schedule a Presentation or a Table

Request a Meeting in a Box

If you are unable to do an in-person meeting, or if PEF MBP is not able to attend your meeting, you can request a Meeting in a Box. A Meeting in a Box includes PEF MBP bags stuffed with PEF MBP benefit brochures and giveaways, one for each attendee. To request a Meeting in a Box, please contact PEF MBP.

Types of Events PEF MBP Representatives Attend

New member orientations

A PEF MBP representative can conduct a presentation for your newly hired PS&T unit staff members, educating staff on no-cost benefits, valuable insurance benefits, and more.

  • New Member Enrollment Kits are used during these presentations. PEF MBP will supply these kits if your facility/agency does not have stock on hand.
  • New Member Orientations should be scheduled as soon as possible following a PS&T Unit hiring due to the fact that:
    • New hires have only 240 days from their date of hire to enroll in the valuable insurance benefits (Group Term Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability) with no medical questions asked.
    • After the 240-day period, PEF members are still eligible to enroll, however, they must complete and submit an Evidence of Insurability (EOI) form with their insurance enrollment form.
    • New York State Civil Service Employees are not eligible for New York State Disability Benefits Law Coverage. PEF MBP and Sun Life can provide that much needed insurance with no medical questions asked if new member enrolls within 240 days.

PEF MBP has developed a video presentation that includes an overview of all PEF MBP benefits.  This video presentation is accessible via the link below and could be used in your own meetings/new member orientations.

MBP Benefits Overview Video Presentation

Membership meetings

A PEF MBP representative is available to conduct a PEF MBP presentation, and/or staff a table with PEF MBP educational information and giveaways. PEF MBP presenters cover topics such as:

  • General information about the PEF Membership Benefits Program
  • Group Term Life Insurance
  • Short-Term & Long-Term Disability Insurance
  • Supplemental Health Plans
  • Voluntary Legal Service Plan
  • Financial Planning
  • Modified Open Enrollment (when available)

The presentation requirements include:

  • A minimum of a 20–30 minute presentation for a captive audience if you are seeking a $2.00 per attendee reimbursement. Reimbursement is not provided when a presentation does not meet the 20–30 minute requirement. Should another entity be providing the lunch, there will be no reimbursement.
  • If you are seeking $2.00 reimbursement for each attendee to help cover the cost of the food you provide, in addition to the 20–30 minute presentation, you will need to provide sign-in sheets for members to complete in order to record total attendance. Completed member sign-in sheets must be submitted to PEF MBP for review and approval (MIN verification) and the PEF MBP representative in attendance will confirm whether or not a 20–30 minute presentation was provided for. You may also give your sign-in sheets to the PEF MBP representative attending your meeting, or you may email your sheets following your events. Sign-in sheets should be submitted within 30 days of the event. PEF will be reimbursed on the division’s behalf and PEF will deposit monies in the division’s account.

Tables at information days, vendors days, EAP fairs & picnics

PEF MBP can attend your event and staff a table complete with PEF MBP educational materials and giveaways. These types of events are not conducive to presentations.