Financial Planning Consultation: Share Your Experience!

  • We want to hear about your experience with the free Financial Planning benefit!
    Word of mouth is the best form of advertising and we would like to use your experience in a "PEF Member Story", that we can share with PEF members and retirees so more of your fellow members will take advantage of this valuable benefit.

    Please view the members' stories below for an example of how we plan to develop and share your story if you are willing to help us.

    Joseph Battista's Retirement Planning Story

    Dianne Ham's Investment Planning Story

    Moshe Stempel's Financial Preparedness Story

    If you have participated in a financial planning consultation with Stacey Braun Associates, Inc., our Financial Planning Benefit provider, and you are willing to share your story, please provide your contact information below, check the box that indicates your agreement to create a Member Story, and then fill out the questions below.

    You may receive a call or email from PEF MBP staff, to follow up on content submitted if more information or clarification is needed. Your experience will be developed into a Member Story similar to the examples above and you will receive a copy for review and approval prior to use.