Webinar Available for On-Demand Viewing
Tax Planning
Presented by Stacey Braun Associates, Inc., provider of the Financial Planning & Credit Counseling benefit
Presenter: Paul Kiley
Presenter: Paul Kiley
Don’t let your tax return surprise you. Start planning now! Making the most of your situation at tax time starts long before your tax filing deadline. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act made big changes to the tax code that may have affected your situation last year. Start planning now and learn how to maximize every dollar to avoid any surprises this year. Attend this seminar and learn how to:
- Best calculate and estimate your tax liability.
- Address changes due to the Tax cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), such as changes in tax rates and brackets, higher standard deductions, eliminated personal exemptions, changes to itemized deductions, and increased Child Tax Credit.
- Use retirement accounts to reduce your tax bill:
- Reduce your income tax bill by contributing to a 457(b) plan or individual retirement account.
- Boost your 457(b) savings rate; for workers age 50 and older, make catch-up contributions to 457(b) plans up to an additional $6,000.
- Claim the Saver’s Credit or donate your IRA distribution to charity.
Start planning now and learn how to maximize every dollar to avoid any surprises this year.