Workers’ Compensation Webinars

Live Webinar

Work-Related Mental Health Claims—April 30, 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m.

Presented by the Law Firm of Alex Dell, PLLC, provider of the Workers’ Compensation Legal Services benefit

Join us for this updated webinar covering mental health claims and the new and significant amendments to the New York Workers’ Compensation Law related to claims for mental injury due to work-related stress.

Have you developed a mental health diagnosis as a consequence of a physical, work-related injury and/or did the condition develop due to unusual and extraordinary stressors at work?

  • Learn about the new amendments, effective June 4, 2025.
  • Learn how to pursue such mental health claim(s).
  • Discover the potential defenses to such mental health claims and how you can best try avoid them.


Webinars Available for On-Demand Viewing

Workers’ Compensation

Presented by the Law Firm of Alex Dell, PLLC, provider of the Workers’ Compensation Legal Services benefit

How to Successfully Preserve and Pursue a NYS Workers’ Compensation Claim

Notice and Claim Filing Requirements. What forms do you need to use? When must you file a first report of injury? What are the responsibilities of the insurer?

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Current Trends, Accident & Occupational Disease Claims

What is the difference? Is it an accident? Is it compensable? Where did the injury occur? Is your employer responsible for medical and lost time? How do you properly and in a timely fashion, present a claim for a work accident and for a medical condition(s) which develops over time due to your work activities?

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Navigating Federal Benefits Including Social Security Disability and Veterans Affairs

Social Security Disability Insurance:
Did you know that a Social Security disability payment could be higher than your regular Social Security retirement? The rest of your life is a long time to be stuck with a bad Social Security filing decision.

Veterans Compensation Benefits:
Already receiving Veterans Compensation benefits? What is your disability rating? Did the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) provide you with the correct disability rating? Did the DVA determine the correct effective date for your disability rating? Do you have certain physical and/mental health conditions which should be considered service-connected?

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